Free services
- GAM offers free access to BiblioGAM, the Visual Arts Hall and the Popular American Art Hall.
- Access to the building is free, from Monday through Sunday.
- WiFi available in common spaces and squares (limited availability depending on the amount of users.)
- Rooms for studying and meetings in BiblioGAM (reservations on or at the desk.)

GAM Information Desk: B Building, Eastern Hall, first floor.
Withdrawal of tickets and invitations for free events.
Closed everyday from 2 pm to 3 pm.

Ticket desk
GAM’s ticket desk is located in the Eastern Hall of the B Building.
Contact: or +2 2566 5500 / +2 2566 5570
GAM counts with public restrooms on it’s A and B buildings. Both restrooms count with bathrooms specially adapted for people living with disabilities.
- In the A building, 1st floor, restrooms are open for public before every show in Halls A1 and A2.
- Open for BiblioGAM visitors.
- Open for public on activities in nearby spaces.

Foto: edificio A, piso 1

A space to answer the questions of the citizens regarding institutional products, service programs and touristic information of the country. Material for tourists asking for information with the purpose of making easier their travel decisions, stay, experience, and recreation. This service can be accessed in person, online of by telephone.

Lost objects
Call us +2 2566 5531
Mon to Fri — 9 to 18 h
Fri — 9 to 16 h
Sat and Sun — 9 to 19 h
A and B Buildings
Mon to Fri — 9 to 18 h
Sat and Sun — 9 to 19 h
Tickets office and Informations
Mon to Fri — 10 to 19 h
Closed 14 to 15 h.
- Also available is the purchase of tickets through digital channels, and the sales totem located at the entrance to Building B, floor 1.
- Answer questions and queries to the email
- Schedules subject to change according to contingency.
Visual Art Halls
Tue to Thu — 9 to 18 h
Fri — 9 to 16 h
Sat and Sun — 9 to 19 h
Tue to Thu — 10 to 18 h
Fri — 10 to 15.30 h
Sat — 11 to 19 h
Sun and Mon — Closed
Mo to Sat — 8 to 18 h