Latin dance
The LEC dance group is formed by 25 people from different areas that started in the sala rueda de casino and that in time have perfect their style to develop, among other things, classes in GAM every Friday for almost 80 people who want to learn how to dance salsa, bachata and other Latin American rhythms.

USA Travels Dancemotion Program
The Contra-Tiempo dance company, part of DanceMotion USA, came to GAM as a part of their travels through South America. They are a theater and Latin urban dance group, that connects with the audience by showing cultural and social gaps in a progressive manner, with the purpose of the reflecting how artists work among their communities. On their visit toe the cultural center, they did a workshop of salsa de rueda for GAM’s Comunidad de Baile Latino; specifically, the members of the LEC group.

International Dance Day
Thousands of people celebrate all over the world the International Dance Day that, ever since 1982, is celebrated by initiative of the UNESCO to bring this art to the public. In GAM it is commemorated since 2011 with a free intervention on its squares, in which some of our communities join. The Comunidad de Baile Latino has been a part of this event on more than one occasion, for example, in the successful participative flash mob of 2015.

The communities that gather around GAM are autonomously organized and are in constant change, that’s why we don’t have their contacts.
We invite you to know then coming to our squares, specially on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. Generally, they gather a great amount of floating audience in different spaces where they meet to dance and carry out diverse activities.