Since 2013 groups of girls and boys between the ages of 13 and 28 have appropriated GAM’s squares to rehearse and prepare choreographies by famous Asian bands, mainly from South Korea, that have managed to gain their spot in both the eastern and western markets. These youths rehearsing in GAM use the great windows of the building as mirrors as they practice their choreographies.

Academic Technique Classes
The Ballet School of the Teatro Municipal, that used the B2 Hall of GAM, taught a master class with the basics of academic technique for everyone interested, specially people from the K-POP community. The result allowed young people to put in the choreographies everything they learned from the accomplished Chilean dancer Georgette Farías.

Día de la danza
Thousands of people celebrate all over the world the International Dance Day that, ever since 1982, is celebrated by initiative of the UNESCO to bring this art to the public. In GAM it is commemorated since 2011 with a free intervention on its squares, in which some of our communities join. The K-POP community has been a part of this event on more than one occasion, as in the successful intervention Nuevas Miradas (2014).

K-POP Marathon
If in February 2013, the objective was to gather K-Pop fans and to generate a community connected to GAM, the next year the objective shifted to communicate this art form to everyone who had glimpsed it or didn’t know it. In 2015, the K-Pop Marathon gave another step forward and the summer one-day event grew and gained depth and meaning around today’s Korean culture and the impact it generated in our country. Said activity included a choreographic K-Pop show, and a forum of discussion with experts about the today’s youth vision.

K-onda Hamlet
The project developed with with support of Theatre Communications Group and members of the K-Pop community, resulted in ultado K-ONDA HAMLET, a performance written and directed byor Kyoung H. Park and interpreted by six members of the aforementioned community. It’s based on a series of interviews with these young K-Pop fans, and the use of a technique called dramaturgy collage, fusing the story of Daniel Zamudio and Heiner Muller’s Hamletmachine with K-Pop choreographies.
The communities that gather around GAM are autonomously organized and are in constant change, that’s why we don’t have their contacts.
We invite you to know then coming to our squares, specially on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. Generally, they gather a great amount of floating audience in different spaces where they meet to dance and carry out diverse activities.